

We brough the plant to the captain, so that they can return to their home. However Auto revealed his directive to prevent their return to Earth. I was try to serve the plant. Auto stages a mutiny. I was broke while the fight. We were all through as garbage by Auto. I told Eve to take the plant to the captain, it was the deractive, and told her she can repaired me in Earth. We brought the plant to the holo-detector to activate the ship's hyperjump back to Earth, rallying the help of the malfunctioning robots on the ship. The captain opens the holo-detector while fighting Auto, I was tried to hold it open. The captain deactivates Auto and EVE places the plant in the holo-detector. We are all back to earth. Eve successfully repaired and reactivated me. But unfortunately, me momory was earsed at that time, I didn't remember her. She gave me a kiss which made me "wake up". Me and EVE happily reunite and join the humans and robots in restoring Earth's environment.


